The Sanskrit word Chakra literally translates to wheel or disk and in Reiki & meditation this term refers to wheels of energy throughout the body. Chakra's may also be referred to in Yoga and in Ayurveda.
There are seven main chakras, which align the spine, starting from the base of the spine through to the crown of the head. Each Chakra has a specific function and colour assigned to it. The different colours are assigned to each Chakra based on the frequency at which they vibrate. Each Chakra also relates to a specific set of organs in the body as well as emotions.
Colour: Red
Location: Base of spine, coccyx
Emotion: Survival & safety
Affirmation: I am safe
Colour: Orange
Location: 2 inches below navel
Emotion: sexuality, creativity, emotional attachment
Affirmation: I am creative
Solar Plexus
Colour: Yellow
Location:2 inches above navel
Emotion: Interpersonal Power and authenticity
Affirmation: I trust myself
Colour: Green
Location: Chest
Emotion: Love and Self Esteem
Affirmation: I am love
Colour: Blue
Location: Throat
Emotion: Expression: Speaking your truth
Affirmation: I express my truth
3rd Eye
Colour: Purple
Location: Slightly higher and in between your eye-brows
Emotion: Intellectual clarity, personal vision, intuition
Affirmation: I see things clearly
Colour: White
Location: Above your head
Emotion: Freedom & Spiritual Connection
Affirmation: I am